Professor Miriam E Peckham

Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of Utah, uSA

Dr. Miriam Peckham is an Assistant Professor of Radiology and the Associate Program Director of the Neuroradiology fellowship at the University of Utah. She completed her radiology residency at Loma Linda University in southern California, and her neuroradiology fellowship at the University of Utah where she spent a second year focused on spine intervention. Her clinical and research interests are primarily in diagnosis and interventions for low back pain. She was a recipient of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Research Scholar Grant to study platelet-rich plasma therapy for sacroiliac joint pain and is currently the principal investigator of two clinical trials studying low back pain therapies as well as access to therapy. She was recently funded by the Neiman Health Policy Institute to study disparities in access to image guided interventions for low back pain patients in the state of Utah. She is involved in numerous American radiology and neuroradiology societies and has given invited lectures at multiple society meetings (ASSR, ASNR, RSNA, ARRS, and WNRS). She has authored and coauthored numerous peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, scientific presentations, and educational exhibits.

Attend Professor Peckham’s next course

Professor Miriam Peckham will be joining us 27-29 July 2024 for our 3-day Neuroradiology Course, hosted in Melbourne, Australia. Also available online and on-demand, don’t miss out on reviewing lots of neuro imaging cases with Miriam

Book you place now and find out more below